

Hi datepicker is Angular datepicker component.



Check out the live demo.


Install hi-date via npm

npm install hi-date --save


// app.module.ts
import { HiDateModule } from 'hi-date';

  imports: [ HiDateModule ]
export class AppModule { }

// app.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: 'app.component.html'
export class AppComponent {
  date: any;

  constructor() {

// app.component.html
<hi-datepicker [(ngModel)]="date" [expanded]="true" [persianCalendar]="true"></hi-datepicker>

Properties (optional)

class - [?string]

String that sets class for ui datepicker. (defaults to null - blue color)

  success = green
  warning = yelow
  danger  = red

persianCalendar - [?boolean]

Boolean that sets jalaali calendar for datepicker and persian language UI.(defaults to false)

time - [?boolean]

Boolean that sets Timepicker active.(defaults to false)

opended - [?boolean]

Boolean that sets open datepicker.(defaults to false)

alwaysOpened - [?boolean]

Boolean that sets always opened datepicker.(defaults to false)

firstWeekdaySaturdat - [?boolean]

Boolean that sets for start datepicker as Saturday.(defaults to false)

expanded - [?boolean]

Boolean that sets expanded datepicker.(defaults to false)

format - [?boolean]

Boolean that sets ngModel format output [time format standard].(defaults to false)

Example :

  Year : YYYY 2017
  Year : jYYYY 1397
  Month : MM Aug
  Month : jMM مرداد

viewFormat - [?boolean]

Boolean that sets format view on datepicker [time format standard].(defaults to false)

offAMOrPM - [?boolean]

Boolean that sets turn off AM or PM mode when time property active.(defaults to false)

minDate - [?HiDate]

HiDate that sets minimum select date.(defaults to null)

maxDate - [?HiDate]

HiDate that sets maximum select date.(defaults to null)


 * for example :
 * { 'year': 1395, 'month': 7, 'day': 8 }

interface HiDate{
    day: number;
    month: number;
    year: number;